Draw For Me

Let GtotheC draw for you

Draw For Me Episode 9 – Loreana and a Panda Hanging Out on Saturn

Request: How about me and a panda hanging out on Saturn! by Loreana Rushe

So I actually don’t really know what Loreana looks like apart from her Twitter avatar. If she doesn’t look like this, well she should probably get some reconstructive surgery to match the drawing. I mean, I did spend my Monday evening drawing her. It’s the least she could do…

As for the panda of the piece, I was originally thinking of have the panda riding Loreana’s back in a cowboy like fashion wearing a superman cape  blowing the the vacuum of space. But then Loreana struck me as being a litigious character (you know, since her name starts with ‘L’), soI abandoned the idea as I didn’t want to be held liable for deformation of character.  Yes, I’ve been told that my drawings are so good that people have mistaken them for The Truth.


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